Thursday, January 19, 2012

Left because of Reason

Political corruption is something found in almost every single country located in the Middle East. Powers tend to have a wide range which essentially leads to a much larger room for maneuvering the matters to fit your own needs; your own needs and the people whom you work with. I never really understood the excitement behind robbing from your own country. In fact, I never even knew why the former rules would do it. They'd take the money and stash it in private banks. People aren't naive, and when they know something is wrong, they'll speak out; or they'll attempt to. Any single word with the potential of breaking down the entire franchise of corruption will quickly be eliminated. The owner of the word gets punished and anybody who thinks like him as well. People hated the way their government was dealing with them. They stole out of every single pocket, they wouldn't promote personal freedom, and they wouldn't even stand and give people a chance to speak. 

Another reason why people tend to leave. The sad truth is that they'll try to leave and look for a better place to stay, little do they know that this "better" place will eight times out of ten be worse than their previous location, and that's for a number of reasons. A few questions that a knowledgeable individual might ask would be, "do you really think that this new society will accept you?" Middle Eastern folks tend to find Europe the land of the free, a land that will accept them for who they are. I here this statement and my reaction is filled with a mixture of anger and laughter. Laughing only because I don't understand people's reasoning behind their stance. They're willing to sacrifice everything for something that is not guaranteed.

My audience for this specific post seems to be undecided. I guess it's for anybody oversees who sees a foreigner and understands their situation. Few people tend to respect them because of their determination; that and plenty of them are well educated and respected. Idealistically speaking, they don't want to ruin the image of their country. But if you ask me, they already have ruined it. This is because a foreigner to the foreigner will think that where they come from holds no peace. Fast call judgments are unnecessary because it only makes a person look like a fool.

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